TFHK 項目老師招募 |TFHK Fellowship Recruitment //
// TFHK 項目老師招募 |TFHK Fellowship Recruitment //
TFHK Fellowship is an education-focused leadership development program for aspiring changemakers to develop skills and understanding of education through a full-time, paid commitment. Upon the completion of Fellowship, you are ready to launch your purposeful career within and beyond classroom.
35歲或以下 (自2023年12月31日起計) Aged 35 or under as of 31 Dec 2023
擁有學士學位 (任何背景皆可) Hold a Bachelor’s degree in any field
2023年或之前畢業 Have graduated or will be graduating latest by 2023
能夠在香港工作 Have work authorization in Hong Kong
立即報名 | Apply Now: https://bit.ly/TFHKApply_Now
截止報名日期 | Application Deadline: 18 December 2022
了解更多 | Learn More: https://tfhkfellowship.org/