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// 📣 TFHK 项目老师招募 |TFHK Fellowship Recruitment //

// 📣 TFHK 项目老师招募 |TFHK Fellowship Recruitment //
TFHK Fellowship is an education-focused leadership development program for aspiring changemakers to develop skills and understanding of education through a full-time, paid commitment. Upon the completion of Fellowship, you are ready to launch your purposeful career within and beyond classroom.
参加资格 Eligibility:
✅35岁或以下 (自2023年12月31日起计) Aged 35 or under as of 31 Dec 2023
✅拥有学士学位 (任何背景皆可) Hold a Bachelor’s degree in any field
✅2023年或之前毕业 Have graduated or will be graduating latest by 2023
✅能够在香港工作 Have work authorization in Hong Kong
📝立即报名 | Apply Now: https://bit.ly/TFHKApply_Now
❗ 截止报名日期 | Application Deadline: 18 December 2022
💬了解更多 | Learn More: https://tfhkfellowship.org/